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Füge unten Deinen Artikel ein (Strg + V) und klicke auf "Auf Plagiat prüfen"!
1. Billions of web pages
This tool has the capability to check plagiarism by matching your content against billions of webpages on the Internet. Once you upload your content, it'll automatically run it against every existing content on the web within seconds, producing it the most worldly yet fastest plagiarism scanner you will ever come across in your duration.
2. Automatic rewriting point
It has an option for automatically rewriting the content you run on it in just oneclick.However, all you have to do is click on the rewrite option and you will be taken to our auto- rewording tool, where your content will be modernized right away, If your content contains reproduced work. This is a erected-in specific available right inside the tool for absolutely free.
3. Multiple document formats
Our similarity checker allows you to upload different formats of documents including. doc,. docx,. txt,. tex,. rtf,. odt, and. pdf. This means it doesn't count what format your content takes, as long as it's digital, our tool will do the rest of the work.
4. URL integration
With this free online plagiarism test tool, not only are you suitable to upload different formats of documents, you can also check plagiarism via a website URL. Simply enter the webpage URL and click the" Check Plagiarism" button and you are good to go.
5. Reporting option
Ouranti-plagiarism Tool comes with a reporting option which allows you to download a report of the plagiarism quest you run. This means you now have some class of proof to dispatch over to the relative parties and a record to keep. wonderful!
6. Participating option
How about an option for participating the plagiarism report generated? Would you like that right INSIDE the tool, too? Well, we got you covered!
7. Multiple languages
This point allows you to check plagiarism on documents in other languages other than English. So whether your content is written in русский, 日本語, italiano, français, Português, Español, Deutsche, 中文, our tool can speak your language.
8. Cloud harmony
Live in the shadow? Our originality checker is qualified to check content from the shadow, including Google Drive and Dropbox. Simply choose where your content lives in the shadow and pick the particular piece of document you want to run, and our patent checker will do the rest.
9. Chance gauges
Once you've uploaded your content and clicked to check for plagiarism, our duplication checker will show you, in probabilities, the situations of both plagiarized and unique content in the document. For illustration, it will let you know that 82 of the content is unique while 18 is reproduced.
10. A list- predicated,sentence-wise result
.The tool doesn't stop at showing you the probability rankings of reproduced and unique content. It also shows you, in a list format for easy discovery, both plagiarized (if any) and unique areas of the content piece, judgment-by- sentence. Plagiarized sentences are displayed in red while the unique ones are shown in green for your comfort.
11. Stressed document view
With just one click, you can also see the result in a document view, where the whole content is displayed in one document and the reproduced accoutrements are punctuated in red.
12. Capability to view matched results
Right within the tool, you can view the external content that matches the red rulings in your document. Plus, the URL of the external webpage is added for a quick and easy examination of the content.
13. One-click comparison point
After the results are in, you can click on the" Compare" button on any red ( doctored) line to go to Google and compare that particular content with matching ones before published on the web. Great for finding where the plagiarized content is coming from.
Whether you know it or not, plagiarism does affect you in some way. It does not signify whether you are the content creator or the one who consumes the content, plagiarism affects us all.
As a content creator ( author, author, investigator, scholar, freelancer, blogger, social media administrator, etc. It's no news that you should be regularly checking to be sure that nothing is copying your content without your allowance or giving you credit.
But much further than that, you also have to always run your content on a plagiarism finding tool before publishing or submitting it to be sure that your work doesn't contain plagiarism.
Why? Because plagiarism is an act of academic deceitfulness, a breach of journalistic ethics, and over all, a publishing crime.
As alike, you do not want to fallvictim.However, whether knowingly or by ignorance, you stand to face serious penalties including
If your work contains reproduced content.
This isn't to mention other consequences like SEO content duplication penalties and lowered rankings, lost trust, possible academic allowances, and more.
Now, on the other end of the diapason, as a content consumer or stoner ( anthology, professor or schoolteacher who stagers scholars' work, customer of freelance pens,etc.), it's inversely important to check for plagiarism before accepting or taking action on any content you come across or submitted to you.
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